Beef Shin Pizza

Beef Shin Pizza with Roquito Peppers

Prep time

20 min

Cook time

5 minutes




  • Pre-cooked braised Beef Shin
  • Crushed San Marzano Tomatoes
  • Fior di Latte
  • Red Onion
  • Blue Cheese
  • Roquito Peppers
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Fresh Coriander

Products used:


Step 1 - Prep Your Onions

Peel and finely chop your onions. Tip: A mandolin is really useful in this situation.

Step 2 - Stretch Your Dough

Stretch out your pizza dough using your desired technique - stretch your dough on a floured surface (this prevents sticking) 

Step 3 - Tomato Base

First layer is your crushed tomatoes. Tom likes to use crushed San Marzano with a pinch of salt. There are a few excellent alternatives to save you time: /products/greci-pizza-sauce-800g

Whatever you choose, we would emphasise getting the best quality tomatoes you can.

Step 4 - Topping Your Pizza

Sprinkle on some mozzarella - we always opt for Fior di Latte. Add some chunks of your braised beef shin, crumble some blue cheese. Add your roquito peppers and finely sliced onion.

Step 5 - Cooking The Pizza

Slide your pizza onto a lightly floured (or semolina) pizza peel and launch your pizza into your pre-heated Woody Oven. Around 350-400°c on the door thermometer should do the trick (450-500°c) digital stone thermometer. Turn the pizza regularly until the base is cooked through and the crusts are to your preference, around 60 seconds - 90 seconds.

Step 6 - Finishing

Finish with some pecorino along the crust with a drizzle of Olive Oil. For extra garnish and a hint of additional freshness sprinkle some coriander.