
A selection of recipes created by professional chefs using the Woody Oven

Dough Hands Pizza - Woody Oven
Hannah from Dough Hands - cooks her famous Shroomy 2.0 pizza on the Woody Oven. known for her London Style - Low and Slow type of cooking this pizza doesn't disappoint!
Ham and Mushroom Pizza - Woody Oven
Ham and Shroom pizza by Lee from Dawghouse Pizza Co cooked on the Woody Oven. This pizza is super tasty, simple and visually appealing. A must try!
The Big Dawg Pizza
Lee cooks his signature Big Dawg pizza. His first creation and debatably his best. Using a vast array of ingredients - it's sweet and spicy just like him!
Dough Hands Pizza - Woody Oven
Hannah from Dough Hands shares her thoughts on the Margherita pizza before cooking her take on the classic - choosing to reverse the ingredients and try something a little different.